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22 May 2025 - 24 May 2025
EMVA Business Conference 2025
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Open until 18 May 2025

The annual EMVA Business Conference

Pivotal event for the machine vision and image processing industry.

The EMVA Conference unites business leaders and technical experts within the machine vision industry from Europe and around the world to present and discuss the trends and challenges of our business. It provides a unique platform in Europe for networking, establishing contacts and exchanging ideas. The EMVA Business Conference sets the course for developing and strengthening our industry in Europe.

Meet CEOs, managing directors, corporate strategists, marketing directors, technical managers and other executives of our business to exchange market intelligence and news of innovative technologies.


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What to expect?

Presentations & Keynotes

Enjoy an excellent mixture of attractive speeches and pre-sentations covering the topics of management, economics, innovation, marketing and technology trends.
Globally known professional speakers open and close the conference with their notes. While the opening note usually gives insights to Europe's economy, year by year the closing keynote treats a different business relevant topic.


Being the most important networking event for the Machine Vision industry in Europe, the EMVA Conference offers plenty of networking and personal meeting opportunities. Your individual face-to-face meetings can be pre-scheduled using our comfortable registration platform.

Meet international leading vision personalities representing (Feb'25):

Advantech, Agile Robots, Allied Vision Technologies, Austrian Institute of Technology, Barilla, BASLER, Baumer Italia, Baumer Optronic, Birger Engineering, BitFlow, CBC Europe, Components Express, EURESYS, EVK DI Kerschhaggl, Excelitas Technologies, FRAMOS, Fraunhofer IFF, Fraunhofer ITWM, IDS, iiM, iMAGE S, inno-spec, inspect - Wiley-VCH, INTRATEL, inVISION/TeDo Verlag, JAI, Landesmesse Stuttgart, Medabsy, Midwest Optical Systems, Murrelektronik, NIREOS, Opto GmbH, Optotune Switzerland, Qioptiq Photonics, Rauscher GmbH Bildverarbeitung, Do3think Technology, SICK, Sightwise, Smart Vision Lights, Sony Europe, STMicroelectronics, SUPRA Group, Surface Inspection, SVS-Vistek, TELEDYNE, The Imaging Source Europe, Theia Technologies, TIAMA, Univision, Vico Technology, Vision Markets, Vision Ventures, wenglorMEL, XIMEA, Z-Laser

Side programme

Meeting your peers continues during the Thursday Welcome Reception and the Friday Conference Dinner. Accompanying persons may join a guided city tour at Friday morning and the optional Saturday Networking Tour closes the exciting conference days.


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Organised by
Germany 43
United States 11
Italy 6
France 5
United Kingdom 5
Spain 4
China 4
Austria 3
Switzerland 2
Poland 2
Canada 1
Denmark 1
Belgium 1
Netherlands 1
Total 89